"Let go of the stories and be with the body"

Your journey through somatic liberation


the body as distinct from the soul, mind or psyche

What I do

My name is Susanna, I am a somatic coach & embodied yoga teacher. Through the knowledge of trauma and the intrinsic nervous system, together we explore the body as distinct from the mind. Somatic exploration & embodiment, movement, breath, presence & safety. We lovingly create spaces where you can allow yourself to be held and safe, and in your full expression. What you desire, desires you. Awaken to the innate and imesurable power within you, who you were before the world told you who to be.

My values

I have always been deeply fascinated by the human psyche, the human experience and the deep effects of trauma. Through my decade of studies and exploration of myself, it has brought me back to the body. The body remembers what the mind forgets. As humans, we are so living in a world that encourages us to feel shame for our basic human experience, we dont heal in solitude, we heal in community. We heal by being deeply seen & held, held in the full spectrum of embodiment. All of you is welcome here.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

1:1 coaching with Susanna

This is a space to be deeply supported one on one with Susanna. This journey will be taylored to you and what you need. I hold you through the story, and also through the language of the body. You will not only feel fully seen, held & supported by me you will learn the tools you need to navigate life, healing and a beautiful relationship with yourself.

An intimate, safe & supportive space just for you

A space solely for you, to be seen and heard and then held is the best way for your healing journey.

I work from a Trauma Informed background, using somatic tools to support you on your journey. Trauma and experiences and stored and held within the body, the body remembers what the mind forgets. Sometimes we can feel we have done everything logically to heal and move forward in our lives, yet the body is living in the past.

What if you could be fully supported on this journey with truly transformative, and tangible practices to release trauma, stagnant experiences & emotions stored within our body. To learn what it actually means to regulate the nervous system, and be held in ALL that you are and all that your experiencing.

Somatic Movement Therapy.

All of you is welcome. Book an one on one emodiment session with me. We will move through self inquiry, breath, movement and deep release. Exploring true aliveness by becoming in touch with your full self expression in a safe space.

Here we work through our somatic body in a bottom up approach, accessing stagnant energy, emotions & trauma to shift what we can not shift with the mind.

A safe and supportive space for ALL of you, you absolutely deserve it.

The Sensual Soma Yoga Teacher Training

Our second round, starting September 1st! The Sensual Soma Yoga Teacher Training is first and foremost an in depth voyage into the layers of our own internal world and a journey into the divine self.

Explore the art of somatic healing, nervous system regulation, yin yoga, sensual yoga, tantra, transformative feminine embodiment, trauma informed facilitation and so much more.

Embarking on this journey, you will cultivate your own somatic wisdom, deep emotional understanding while simultaneously gaining knowledge and refining your capabilities that will give you confidence in your role as a teacher & powerful facilitator.

This round will be partly online & partly in person, you dont want to miss this one!


  • "I have been fortunate enough to be a student of Susanna's, as well as to have benefited from her guidance over the course of many years. Susanna holds a unique space unlike anyone else I have encountered. Her teaching style and ability to create a nurturing, safe space have profoundly impacted me over the years. She possesses extensive knowledge across various areas, and what truly resonates with me is her deep presence and commitment as a fellow learner, without professing to be flawless or have all the answers. Her authenticity, vulnerability and genuine nature deeply resonate with me. I find it immensely valuable to be led by such a relatable, loving, kind, and straightforward individual when navigating life's challenges. Her heart is immense, and I wholeheartedly recommend no one else more suitable to embark on a transformative journey with. Personally, she has brought numerous positive challenges in my life, and I know, my life is better off for our paths crossing".


  • "I have attended Susanna’s classes and I can say that I really have not been to any other class with such a genuine teacher who is sensing the atmosphere of the class and is fine-tunning her teaching accordingly. As a stiff Crossfitter, her classes helps me listen to body and mind without any pressure of performance."


  • "I have been blessed to be in Susanna’s space facilitating workshops and coaching experiences on a few different occasions. I truly have learnt so much from her. She really knows how to hold a safe container in a space of complete openness, non judgment and release aswell as bringing so much knowledge to the space. I feel like I could confide in her about anything and feel so much expansion from her practices. Her dedication to helping others heal is inspiring. I really trust her as a teacher and a facilitator and am so happy I have found her."


  • "Susanna’s coaching has helped me better understand my own being and helped me better connect with my body. Susanna has been incredibly insightful in our discussions. She has a natural ability to communicate with you and thoroughly understand your situation and offer unique, in depth and useful insights. Susanna has shared with me in our coaching many practical tools. Her wealth of knowledge is invaluable!"


  • "I never felt called to a retreat more...the InBody Retreat with Lisa and Susanna was truly healing, nourishing, intriguing, introspective, moving, emotionally freeing...it was all the things I never knew I needed. I have practiced online with Lisa for years and when hearing she was holding a retreat across the world with Susanna, something inside me knew I had to do this! My very 1st retreat...I was called across the world to be there and the women who came and shared their love and vulnerability and strength was incredible. Lisa and Susanna to provide this amazing container to hold space for us all was beyond...My heart felt so loved and cared for and protected...I felt able to fully free my most deepest emotions. Together, Lisa and Susanna have such an incredible balance of strengths and offerings that was so harmonious, their work is truly a gift and unlike any other..it's so authentic to who they both are personally are and you can tell, they bring ALL of themselves to the table and truly love sharing and evoking this energy with us and from us all."


Experience the life of your dreams, know it's possible and most importantly know that you absolutely deserve it.